Queen Street Station Exit Gate Closed Monday, February 10, 2025
Due to maintenance work on the exit gate, The Queen Street Station will be closed, Monday, February 10, 2025 starting at 7 AM. Customers will have to use some alternate bus stops during construction. See…
Complete the SCTA Strategic Plan Public Survey!
The South Central Transit Authority (SCTA) is interested in your input to help us continue to provide excellent transit service in your community. This input will help us identify key goals as we develop our…
RRTA Winter Rider Alert Detour Info.
During a winter weather event, RRTA may have to change the route due to weather conditions. RRTA is aware of problem spots along some routes and has established STANDARD and ALTERNATE detours in advance. Depending…
In October 2014, the RRTA Board accepted the final Red Rose Transit Authority Transit Development Plan (TDP). The TDP provides an evaluation of existing RRTA fixed route services, with the outcome being practical recommendations for maximizing route efficiencies and service in Lancaster County. This Plan provides a thorough analysis of the fixed route service, the strengths and weaknesses of the operations, including those services that are the best performing and those that need attention, and recommendations designed to improve productivity and service efficiency.
In November 2008, RRTA unveiled a Long Range Public Transportation Plan that was compiled to help RRTA with future improvements for the next 25 years. This plan will help provide a framework for RRTA to evaluate service at the present time and in the future.
Community leaders, RRTA riders and residents of the County were surveyed for their input into the plan. Some of the recommendations within the plan suggest a need to increase frequency of service and provide commuter services outside Lancaster County to Berks and York Counties. Also, suggestions to add service to Strasburg and Paradise areas near Gap.