Detours & Service Alerts 3

Complete the SCTA Strategic Plan Public Survey!

The South Central Transit Authority (SCTA) is interested in your input to help us continue to provide excellent transit service in your community. This input will help us identify key goals as we develop our…

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RRTA Winter Rider Alert Detour Info.

During a winter weather event, RRTA may have to change the route due to weather conditions. RRTA is aware of problem spots along some routes and has established STANDARD and ALTERNATE detours in advance. Depending…

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Feedback Fridays – Submit Your Comments on the New Route and Schedule Changes! 

We Want to Hear From You! SCTA staff will be collecting feedback on the new RRTA Route & Schedule Changes every Friday in January in the Queen Street Station Info. Center waiting area from 8:00…

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Cash Fares

Cash Fares

Fares Effective as of January 4, 2021

Please have the exact cash fare when boarding.  RRTA drivers do not carry money to make change.

Adult Cash Fare  $1.80

Children age 5 and under ride free when accompanied by a full fare paying passenger.

K-12 Student Fare $1.00

Student Fares apply to grades K-12. High school students must show valid student ID to obtain the discount rate when paying fares.

Half Fare Program for Persons with Disabilities $0.90

The Half Fare Program is for persons with qualifying disabilities to receive half off the cash fare.

Do you qualify?

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No Charge.

If you have to change from one bus to another to complete your one-way trip, ask the driver of your first bus for a transfer when you pay your fare. There is no charge for the transfer. You will need to give your transfer slip on the second bus. The transfer can be used until the latest time printed on it. A transfer cannot be used for a return trip on the same or nearby routes.

If the time to connect to your second bus is close, please ask the driver to notify dispatch to inform the bus driver of the second bus to expect you.  Buses can only be held five minutes for transfer connections.  All transfers must take place in Downtown Lancaster.  Transfers are time stamped and must be used prior to the expiration time.  Transfers are valid up to two hours.  Passengers attempting to connect with other buses must be scheduled to arrive at or before the time of the departing bus.  This is a legal transfer.  If the bus the passenger is riding is not scheduled to arrive before the connecting bus is scheduled to leave, the connecting bus will not be held.